Frequently Requested Forms

Get access to our most frequently requested forms below. Print out the form you need and either mail it to us at PO Box 349, Garretson, South Dakota 57030, or drop it off at one of our offices in Brandon, Garretson, or Baltic.

Bill paying with automatic checking or savings account transactions is easy, accurate and convenient. This application form can be printed, filled in, signed and mailed to the address indicated so you can be activated for this service. Now when you sign up for Auto Bank Pay, you’ll receive a one-time $20 credit.

Only authorized individuals are allowed to make changes to your business account. Complete the CPNI form if you want to authorize others to modify your Alliance services.

CPNI form for Residential Customers

CPNI form for Business Customers

Switch your phone service provider to Alliance Communications and keep your current phone number. Please return this form to Alliance Communications using one of the following options:

By E-mail:

By Fax: (605) 582-3922

By Mail:
Alliance Communications
PO Box 349
Garretson, SD  57030

Federal government program that assists qualified low-income residents by providing a monthly reduction on their bills.

Click here for full guidelines and the application.

Protect yourself from having your long distance carrier changed without your consent. You can freeze your account to prevent unscrupulous companies from “slamming” you using this form. The regular cost of the freeze service is $4. Alliance will waive the fee for all freezes.

Orders & Inquiries