Give your home an internet makeover

HOME is everything these days. It’s a workplace, a library, a movie theater, a gym, a shopping center, and the backdrop for virtual gatherings with family and friends. However, your home can also be a frustration zone if your internet is too slow to handle all the activity. The solution is to upgrade your internet with faster speeds. We offer a range of plans with speeds up to 1000 Mbps x 1000 Mbps — all featuring excellent reliability and backed by local support.

HOME is everything these days. It’s a workplace, a library, a movie theater, a gym, a shopping center, and the backdrop for virtual gatherings with family and friends. However, your home can also be a frustration zone if your internet is too slow to handle all the activity.

The solution is to upgrade your internet with faster speeds.

For no additional cost, you can try a faster speed for one month. During that time, you’ll continue paying your current price while using a faster speed. Then if you want to keep your new speed, your new price will begin the next month.

Transform your internet experience today! Dial 611 from any phone with Alliance service or (605) 582-6311 or fill out the form below.