Connect anywhere
in your home

Welcome to the NEW Ultimate Whole Home WiFi

Enjoy your devices all over, from the basement craft room to the backyard patio to the man cave in the garage. Get extra peace of mind with enhanced parental controls and security features to guard against viruses, malware and more.

Worry Free

Free installation
Help connecting your devices during installation
Automatic software updates
Remote support

Powerful WiFi

NEW Blast router with WiFi 6 technology
Connect 250+ devices
Enjoy uninterrupted surfing, streaming and homework


Customize settings with My Alliance WiFi App
Enhanced parental controls
Security against malware and viruses

Blast Ultimate WiFi has the farthest reaching coverage available

The Blast WiFi 6 Router with dual-band technology provides consistent, fast service in every area of your home, even when everyone is streaming their favorite shows at the same time.

This means uninterrupted service with no lag and no downtime.

With 24/7 support, ongoing WiFi optimization and security updates, we handle the techie stuff so you don’t have to.

Ultimate WiFi Deserves the Ultimate App
Smartphone with My Alliance WiFi homescreen

Set Up

In less than one minute set up your network


Link your whole home and smart devices


Get rea-time updates on your network security


Set up Parental Controls with ease


Create a guest network for visitors


Manage access and network speeds

Whole Home WiFiUltimate Whole Home WiFi
Monthly cost$7.95$11.95
Use of high-powered routerXX
Blast Router with certified WiFi 6 technologyX
FREE installation of WiFi networkXX
FREE repair or replacement if router malfunctionsXX
Automatic router software updatesXX
Convenient support using remote assist toolsXX
Create a profile for each family memberXX
Compatible with Alliance WiFi AppXX
Add or remove devices for each profileXX
Manually turn off WiFi to all devices on a profileXX
Schedule offline timesX
Filter content by categoryX
Allow or block applicationsX
Allow or block websitesX
View usage per profileX
Receive notificationsX
Add time limits to applications per dayX
Enable or disable Safe SearchX
Enable or disable YouTube restrictionsX
Content filter VPN/ProxyX
Malware protectionX
Phishing protectionX
Virus protectionX
Ransom protectionX
Intrusion preventionX
Malicious website protectionX
Create a guest networkXX
View a list of devices connected to your networkXX
Reset your SSID and passwordXX
View your home’s network usagex
Run bandwidth testsx
Integrated with Amazon Alexax
Additional access point, if needed$3.95/month$3.95/month